Lost by fall to Braxton Russel, Delta 1:16
Lost by fall to Hartley Hoover, North Miami 1:52
Lost by decision to Ethan Schraner, Tell City 5-2
Lost by decision to Jake Thrash, Homestead 8-4
Won by fall over JJ Weidg, West Lafayette 2:36
Lost by fall to Ethan Farnell, Maconaquah 1:14
Won by major decision over Adam Temper, Kokomo 9-0
Won by forfeit vs. Calumet
Won by forfeit vs. Faith Christian
Lost by fall to Noah Owsley, Lakeland 5:59
Lost by fall to Luke Baumann, South Adams 2:35
Won by disqualification over CJ Barnette, Heritage
Lost by fall to Jack Culler, Woodlan