Braydon Moon
220 Lbs
Season Record: 15 - 14
Picture compliments of Gibby's Photo
Varsity Matches
Won by forfeit vs. Fairfield
Lost by fall to Xavier Dokes, Hamilton Southeastern 3:40
Won by forfeit vs. Hagerstown
Lost by fall to Nate Elliott, Huntington North 3:54
Won by fall over Nicholas Laughlin, Homestead 2:22
Won by forfeit vs. Tell City
Lost by fall to Wyatt Willman, North Posey :23
Lost by fall to Ryan Schoff, Homestead 1:51
Won by fall over Colson Asher, FW Concordia :57
Won by fall over Vincent Pittman, Jennings County 2:38
Lost by fall to Kyle Zickman, Frankfort 2:14
Won by fall over Kyle Yonker, Southport :55
Lost by fall to Chad Washburn, Kokomo 1:05
Lost by fall to Andrew Kemper, South Dearborn 4:51
Won by forfeit vs. West Lafayette
Lost by fall to Trenton Simmons, Rensselaer Central 3:27
Lost by fall Jeriko Jackson, Prairie Heights 3:09
Won by forfeit vs. South Bend Washington
Lost by fall to Jackson New, Yorktown :37
Won by forfeit vs. Westview
Won by fall over Zander Helton, Lakeland :48
Lost by fall to Justin Goree, Columbia City 5:37
Won by fall over Matt Poiry, New Haven 2:55
Won by fall over Gavin Vachon, Woodlan 1:13
Lost by fall to Rylan WHitacre, Heritage 1:47
Won by fall over Max Moon, South Adams 1:20
Lost by fall to Cameron Farmer, Bluffton 1:29
Won by forfeit vs. Southern Wells