Adams Central Schools Home Page

Brutally  Aggressive  Guys  Uninhibited  By  Adversity  

Welcome to the Web Site for the wrestling team from Adams Central High School in Monroe, Indiana.  Watch this page for team news as the season progresses.  Check out the other pages for schedule/results, team members, and history.

The Jet Wrestling Club now has their own web site.  Click on the club name to go there.

2024-25 Schedule/Roster Reset

The schedule and roster pages have been reset to prepare for 2024-2025. They will be updated after practice begins and this year's roster and schedule are known.

Adams Central Wrestling on Facebook

Adams Central Wrestling also has a Facebook page.  This page will be updated with a summary of each tournament similar to the ones on this page.  Become a friend and you'll see when the updates are ready by the postings on your Facebook.  Photos from this season and past ones will also be stored in Facebook.

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