Max Byerly
144 Lbs
Season Record: 26 - 15
Picture compliments of Gibby's Photo
Varsity Matches
12/8 - 12/9/23
Lost by fall to Ty Galvin, Maconaquah 3:39
Won by decision over Zeke Witter, Delta 4-1
Lost by technical fall to Jayden Jett, Cowan 16-1
Won by decision over Jacob Robinson, Jay COunty 3-1
Won by decision over Nathan Plattner, South Adams 7-3
Won by decision over Jacob Robinson, Jay County 5+4
Lost by technical fall to Blake Luginbill, Bellmont 16-0
Won by fall over Preston Moore, Heritage 2:27
Won by fall over Pierceton Morgan, Bluffton 4:46
Won by decision over Nathan Plattner, SOuth Adams 7-6
Won by fall over Isaac Pflueger, Bishop Dwenger 3:26
Lost by fall to Luke Teusch, Huntington North 4:49
Won by decision over Zeke Witter, Delta 4-3
Won by decision over Benson Eckrote, North Miami 21-1
Won by fall over Jacob Casebolt, Tell City :57
Lost by fall to Wyatt Davis, Rochester 1:24
Lost by fall to Ben Hartzell, Homestead 5:21
Won by fall over Logan McTague, West Lafayette 1:49
Won by fall over Lawson Waling, Tri West 1:07
Lost by technial fall to Jacob Weaver, Rossville 17-2
Lost by decision to Ty Galvin, Maconaquah 7-2
Won by fall over Cade Watkins, North Newton 1:51
Won by forfeit vs. Mishawaka Marion
Lost by fall to Jayden Lewis, New Prairie :53
Won by fall over Devon Rush, Kokomo 2:17
Won by forfeit vs. Calumet
Lost by fall to Eli Blossom, Faith Christian 1:26
Lost by major decision to Blake Luginbill, Bellmont 13-5
Won by decision over Luke Dreiband, Norwell 9-4
Lost by decision to Ty Galvin, Maconaquah 8-3
Won by fall ovefr Zander Sojka, Avon 4:51
Won by forfeit vs.South Bend Washington
Won by fall over Kaden Weise, Lakeland :39
Lost by fall to Brock Hagewood, Prairie Heights 1:57
Won by fall over Arrow Mullinax, Columbia City 4:48
Won by decision over Jason Plattner, South Adams 4-0
Won by fall over Pierceton Morgan, Blufton 5:47
Won by fall over Malaki Cooper, Southern Wells
Won by fall over Preston Moore, Heritage
Lost by fall to Jacob Robinson, Jay County 5:35