Wgt | Championships | Consolations |
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106 | Corbin Lothridge (JC) decisioned Brock Sprunger (SA 6-1 | Ezra Liechty (AC) decisioned Will Frettinger (BL) 8-7 |
113 | Griffin Byrum (JC) pinned Max Adams (SA) 1:07 | )Myles Kaehr (AC)pinned Christian Herraa (BL) 2:06 |
120 | Levi Johns (BL) pinned pinned Titus Loshe (SA) :37 | Sylas Wenk (JC) decisioned Cade Foster (HER) 6-0 |
126 | Dakota Sprunger (SA) decisioned Kale Beer (AC) 8-1 | Cooper Glassford (JC) pinned Orien Kahn (BL) 4:31 |
132 | Jarin Fraughiger (SW) pinned WIll Patterson (SA) 5:40 | Jackson Bingham (AC) decisioned Jason Landers (JC) 10-5 |
138 | Dylan Ogg (AC) pinned Parker Barnes (BL) 2:59 | Max Mirelez (HER) pinned Eli Loshe (SA) 2:58 |
144 | AJ Heskett (JC) pinned Parker Nash (BL) 1:08 | Wyatt Mann (SA) major decision over Carson Mason (WD) 12-4 |
150 | Brason SChortgen (AC) pinned Braxtyn Hough (SA) 3:21 | Gabe Ardizzone )JC) pinned Logan Johnston (BL) 1:25 |
157 | Maverick Dubach (AC) pinned Caleb Sibray (JC) :54 | Ryker Dollar (SW) pinned Gino Gaspirini )HER) 1:42 |
165 | Max Byerly (AC) decisioned Nathan Plattner (SA) 1-0 | Malaki CApper (SW) pinned Mario Ardizzone (JC) 1:31 |
175 | JaxtonLitchfield (HER) tech fall over Wes Summersett (SA) 20-3 | Xander Schwartz (AC) pinned Cole Carpenter (JC) 3:30 |
190 | AJ Myers (JC) major decision over Max Nussbaum (AC) 14-5 | Tavin Frees (BL) pinned Kaiden Bercot (SW) :40 |
215 | Ethan Funk (AC) pinned Jake Boots (BL) 4:47 | Brice Coy (JC) pinned Alex Valencia (WD) 4:38 |
285 | Alan Ortiz (JC) decisioned Gavin Rumple (AC) 4-3 | Connor Landis (BL) pinned Jesus Vallejo (HER) 2:07 |
Adams Central Results
 | 106
Ezra Liechty (22-16) placed 3rd and scored 15.5 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Ezra Liechty (Adams Central) 22-16 won by tech fall over Briggs Fiechter (Southern Wells) 16-15 (TF-1.5 2:22 (17-2))
- Semifinal - Corbin Lothridge (Jay County) 26-8 won by decision over Ezra Liechty (Adams Central) 22-16 (Dec 11-4)
- Cons. Semi - Ezra Liechty (Adams Central) 22-16 won by forfeit over Forfeit Forfeit () 1-2 (For.)
- 3rd Place Match - Ezra Liechty (Adams Central) 22-16 won by decision over Will Frettinger (Bluffton) 23-7 (Dec 8-7)
Myles Kaehr (28-11) placed 3rd and scored 18.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Myles Kaehr (Adams Central) 28-11 won by forfeit over Forfeit Forfeit (Heritage) 0-1 (For.)
- Semifinal - Max Adams (South Adams) 25-5 won by decision over Myles Kaehr (Adams Central) 28-11 (Dec 7-0)
- Cons. Semi - Myles Kaehr (Adams Central) 28-11 won by fall over Kaleb Boots (Southern Wells) 9-19 (Fall 0:26)
- 3rd Place Match - Myles Kaehr (Adams Central) 28-11 won by fall over Christian Herrada (Bluffton) 17-11 (Fall 2:06)
Coltan Everett (15-24) placed 6th and scored 5.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Sylas Wenk (Jay County) 24-11 won by fall over Coltan Everett (Adams Central) 15-24 (Fall 2:31)
- Cons. Round 1 - Coltan Everett (Adams Central) 15-24 received a bye () (Bye)
- Cons. Semi - Cade Foster (Heritage) 17-15 won by fall over Coltan Everett (Adams Central) 15-24 (Fall 1:18)
- 5th Place Match - Mason Meyers (Woodlan) 16-11 won by fall over Coltan Everett (Adams Central) 15-24 (Fall 4:51)
Kale Beer (29-9) placed 2nd and scored 20.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Kale Beer (Adams Central) 29-9 received a bye () (Bye)
- Semifinal - Kale Beer (Adams Central) 29-9 won by fall over Orien Kahn (Bluffton) 14-10 (Fall 3:15)
- 1st Place Match - Dakota Sprunger (South Adams) 27-3 won by decision over Kale Beer (Adams Central) 29-9 (Dec 8-1)
Jackson Bingham (25-13) placed 3rd and scored 16.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Jackson Bingham (Adams Central) 25-13 won by fall over Grant Nunley (Bluffton) 12-12 (Fall 5:03)
- Semifinal - Jarin Frauhiger (Southern Wells) 27-3 won by fall over Jackson Bingham (Adams Central) 25-13 (Fall 3:17)
- Cons. Semi - Jackson Bingham (Adams Central) 25-13 won by fall over Conner Dalman (Heritage) 2-12 (Fall 0:13)
- 3rd Place Match - Jackson Bingham (Adams Central) 25-13 won by decision over Jason Landers (Jay County) 23-11 (Dec 10-5)
Dylan Ogg (37-1) placed 1st and scored 25.5 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Dylan Ogg (Adams Central) 37-1 received a bye () (Bye)
- Semifinal - Dylan Ogg (Adams Central) 37-1 won by tech fall over Eli Loshe (South Adams) 13-16 (TF-1.5 3:26 (16-1))
- 1st Place Match - Dylan Ogg (Adams Central) 37-1 won by fall over Parker Barnes (Bluffton) 26-4 (Fall 2:59)
Brason Schortgen (36-2) placed 1st and scored 26.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Brason Schortgen (Adams Central) 36-2 received a bye () (Bye)
- Semifinal - Brason Schortgen (Adams Central) 36-2 won by fall over Logan Johnson (Bluffton) 3-12 (Fall 0:23)
- 1st Place Match - Brason Schortgen (Adams Central) 36-2 won by fall over Braxtyn Hough (South Adams) 13-15 (Fall 3:21)
Maverick Dubach (25-3) placed 1st and scored 26.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Maverick Dubach (Adams Central) 25-3 received a bye () (Bye)
- Semifinal - Maverick Dubach (Adams Central) 25-3 won by fall over Gino Gaspirini (Heritage) 4-21 (Fall 2:18)
- 1st Place Match - Maverick Dubach (Adams Central) 25-3 won by fall over Caleb Sibray (Jay County) 14-17 (Fall 0:54)
Max Byerly (25-11) placed 1st and scored 23.5 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Max Byerly (Adams Central) 25-11 received a bye () (Bye)
- Semifinal - Max Byerly (Adams Central) 25-11 won by tech fall over Mario Ardizzone (Jay County) 8-15 (TF-1.5 5:57 (16-1))
- 1st Place Match - Max Byerly (Adams Central) 25-11 won by decision over Nathan Plattner (South Adams) 17-4 (Dec 1-0)
Xander Schwartz (11-4) placed 3rd and scored 17.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Xander Schwartz (Adams Central) 11-4 won by tech fall over Cole Carpenter (Jay County) 5-12 (TF-1.5 3:18 (17-1))
- Semifinal - Wes Summerset (South Adams) 20-6 won by fall over Xander Schwartz (Adams Central) 11-4 (Fall 1:11)
- Cons. Semi - Xander Schwartz (Adams Central) 11-4 won by tech fall over Easton Gotschall (Bluffton) 4-11 (TF-1.5 1:40 (16-1))
- 3rd Place Match - Xander Schwartz (Adams Central) 11-4 won by fall over Cole Carpenter (Jay County) 5-12 (Fall 3:30)
Max Nussbaum (25-12) placed 2nd and scored 18.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Max Nussbaum (Adams Central) 25-12 won by forfeit over Forfeit Forfeit (South Adams) 0-1 (For.)
- Semifinal - Max Nussbaum (Adams Central) 25-12 won by decision over Tavin Frees (Bluffton) 23-7 (Dec 4-3)
- 1st Place Match - AJ Myers (Jay County) 16-4 won by major decision over Max Nussbaum (Adams Central) 25-12 (MD 14-5)
Ethan Funk (27-11) placed 1st and scored 25.5 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Ethan Funk (Adams Central) 27-11 won by forfeit over Forfeit Forfeit (South Adams) 0-2 (For.)
- Semifinal - Ethan Funk (Adams Central) 27-11 won by tech fall over Brice Coy (Jay County) 20-10 (TF-1.5 5:45 (16-1))
- 1st Place Match - Ethan Funk (Adams Central) 27-11 won by fall over Jake Boots (Bluffton) 22-6 (Fall 4:47)
Gavin Rumple (18-16) placed 2nd and scored 20.0 team points.
- Quarterfinal - Gavin Rumple (Adams Central) 18-16 won by forfeit over Forfeit Forfeit (Woodlan) 0-1 (For.)
- Semifinal - Gavin Rumple (Adams Central) 18-16 won by fall over Jesus Vallejo (Heritage) 11-19 (Fall 2:58)
- 1st Place Match - Alan Ortiz (Jay County) 31-2 won by decision over Gavin Rumple (Adams Central) 18-16 (Dec 4-3)
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